Melba Quartet
Melba Quartet is made up of the four musicians
who worked together as the Australian String Quartet
until 1996 establishing it as an important national
and international ensemble.
The North American ear, slightly jaded by high energy string tone, is struck by the relaxed natural sound of the Australians……you will travel far to find any chamber music players as fine…….they took us into their world and made us feel like citizens The Chronicle Herald - Nova Scotia – Canada – 1988
A little more than a decade ago the ASQ set out with the highest ambitions. In this Festival those goals have been most eloquently realised in the most telling and rewarding way in powerfully sustained, exemplary performances of works that are the pinnacles of their medium Adelaide Festival 1996 - Adelaide Advertiser - The Complete Late Quartets of Beethoven
The inaugural recital of the Melba Quartet is a cause for celebration. This concert provided instant proof that a significant new Australian string ensemble has been launched. There was never much doubt of course. Each of the players has a fine reputation and they share a familiarity few groups can hope to match. The Australian 8th December, 2000
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Website design by Raph Hennessy.